Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The LA Galaxy Drinking Game

Becks, as I'm sure you know, didn't play on Sunday versus the Revs. In order to pass the time, we decided to play the LA Galaxy Drinking Game. Here's the rules:

1. Whenever the Galaxy turn the ball over in the midfield, drink.
2. Whenever Landon Donovan screws up, drink. (Watch for bad corners!)
3. Whenever the announcers talk about how horrible the Galaxy are playing, drink.
4. If the announcers say anything about David Beckham, or show him on TV, drink. Drink twice if Beckham is visibly disgusted with the Galaxy's play.
5. If the broadcast goes specifically to "Beckham Cam", drink twice.
6. Drink twice if Posh is shown.
7. Drink three times if some other celebrity comes to discuss David Beckham. (You decide if Alexi Lalas counts!)
8. Drink three times if the other team scores.
9. Finish your whole drink if the Galaxy scores.
10. If Beckham scores, everyone has to pound a full beer, and the last one to finish, has to drink another.
11. For the Fox Soccer Channel broadcasts, drink when Max Bretos uses a Spanish accent.

As you can imagine, we got wasted just on rule 1 alone.

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