Tuesday, September 4, 2007


We've had some Democratic candidate debates recently, and big Hube has been involved, making his intentions to run known. I must say, he's been doing a great job.

During the YouTube debate, he said this after a question on the Iraq War:

"Nice question. Liked it better three weeks ago when Brian Williams asked it during his debate. That's why this whole format is ridiculous. You let these morons with no concept of the realities of the American political machine waste our time with frivolous, stock questions. Things were so much better back in '68."

Though very correct in what he said, his comments were censored out.

After a question on gay marriage by two lesbians in the same debate, he said this:

"You two don't look like you're wanting for any meals, if I may say so. As such, maybe we should feed all the hungry people and get all the kids who don't have health care affordable medical treatment. Then we'll worry about whether or not you can get married. God, things were so much easier back in '68."

Unfortunately these comments were also censored out. I'm worried, because Hube is running a distant fourth behind Clinton, Obama, and Edwards in Iowa. It's no feather in one's cap to beat Dennis Kucinich (sp?). I also told him his gay marriage logic was dumb, because if it's the non-issue he's saying it is, then gay people should just be allowed to be married. He was so annoyed with me he sent me out for venti iced lattes from Starbucks.

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