Monday, August 6, 2007

Drac's Back

Mads, my Norwegian companion, and I were watching a marathon of the first season of The Hills on The N, when there was a knock at the door. It was my neighbor, Dracula.

"Hey, how are you? Hi Mads. I came to see if you have any turmeric?"

"What's up? Yes, I do, man, check the cupboard."

"Um, don't you not need to eat people food?"

"Yeah, I'm actually having company over for dinner." There was a pause. "Come on, man, their visiting. You guys."

We all laughed.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask you," he said. "What're you doing tomorrow between twelve and four?"

"Nothing that I know of, why?"

"The cable man's coming to look at my box. For obvious reasons, I won't be available."

We laughed again. I told him I would.

"I thought you didn't need to worry about daylight," Mads said.

"Who told you that?"

"I saw it in Blade: Trinity."

"Well, there you go. They really gave me a bad name. I also didn't see Christ crucified. I'm not that old. I also can't shape shift, and don't have the bones of a snake, whatever that means."

"I guess it would have made for a boring movie."

"You didn't think Blade: Trinity was boring?"

Mads went to argue, but I stopped him. He didn't know Dracula likes chick flicks. I figured it'd be easier to let Drac hang himself, and he did.

"It wasn't half as good as Must Love Dogs."

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