Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mayor McCheese: C'mon Cubbies

Well, here it comes again. Baseball season is almost here. It should be another punch in the gut season from the Cubbies.

Now I'm sure you're thinking "Mayor, I thought you didn't care about specific teams, just about the bottom line for McDonald's." Well, you're right, but here my favorite team overlaps my need for McDonald's to make more money. Look at last year's World Series: crap. No one gives a shit about Detroit St. Louis outside of those two cities. On the other hand, the Red Sox in '04 got some of the biggest ratings ever. Imagine what would happen if the Cubs make the show? Even better, if they go seven games, lose, then make it again? Oh my God, it'd be like an orgy of cash. Football may be America's current national pastime, but everyone outside of Milwaukee, St. Louis, and the White Sox roots for the Cubs. And when they root for the Cubs, they watch our commercials.

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