Friday, March 28, 2008

Goodtimes on VH-1

As you may know, two Thanksgivings ago, Matty, my personal biographer, in an attempt to track down scammers from Cote D'Ivoire, accidentally adopted a toddler, his two-year old son Goodtimes, because his French was bad. Anyway, Mads, my Norwegian companion, and I were watching one of those stupid celebrity gossip shows on VH-1, because we'd misplaced the remote, and didn't feel like getting up to change the channel after The Pick-up Artist.

This particular show focused on celebrities adopting babies from exotic locations. We were totally nonplussed when they mentioned Matty's mishap. We had to call him immediately.

"Hey, guess what? You're famous. You were on VH-1."

"No shit. I could've told you that."

"No you couldn't have. What're you famous for?"

"What am I not famous for?"


"Hey, I can't be bothered to talk to you now, Michael McDonald's 'What a Fool Believes' is on the radio. It's the best song ever."

"Are you kid--"

"Shhh! After the song."

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