Friday, March 28, 2008

He was so Hung

With a new Top Chef starting recently, I'm reminded of how the last one ended the only way it could: with Hung winning. With a name like that, there was really no other choice the judges could make.

Of course, this created a whole new set of problems. Mads, my Norwegian companion, had had, as the Northern Europeans would say, a nose full of my Hung jokes, and he had to know with Hung taking the final, all bets would be off.

"I must say, you did well... Hung."

"Stop it."

"But he's just so... I don't know... Hung."

"I'm serious."

"If I meet him, I'll be like 'Wow, you're Hung!'"

"That's it, it's go time!"

He flipped the table over and acted like he wanted a fight.

"I didn't know you were so massive... ly Hung."

"All right, that was a huge stretch. You can't be massively. It's an adverb. It's either 'massive, Hung', or 'massively hung'."

"Well it's my name game, and I want it to be both."

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