Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Gwen, the Cappie, and I were headed to a comic book shop so she could purchase an expensive Captain America back-issue from the 60s, when we saw a woman slap a man, then storm off.

"I wonder what that was about," Gwen said.

"She must've been salted about something."


"You know, upset."

"I know, but I've never heard that before."

"People say 'salted' all the time."

"No they don't. You got that from some TV show or something, like The Real World."


"C'mon, be serious."

"Okay, the second season of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge, back when they didn't kick people off, but just traveled around doing games. Piggy slapped Los, and Heather picked up Los at a hotel to bring him back to his team. She asked him what happened, and he said: 'She's just salted because she thinks I tried to throw the mission', or something like that, and Heather said: 'You tried to throw the mission?' to which he said 'Well, I wasn't helping', and Heather said 'Why wasn't you helping?' and Los was like: 'Cause I'm sick of this shit', only the 'shit' was cut out."

"Then how do you know he said it?"

"Said what?"

"Shit. How do you know he said it if it was cut out?"

"I guess a little poetic license."

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