Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Yes, I went as Dr. Phil for Halloween. I had the hair and the suit. I wanted Gwen, the Cappie, to go as Robin, but she wanted to go as Wonder Woman, and I couldn't really argue with that, being a heterosexual guy.

I became the novelty du jour at every party we went to. Once people found out that I came complete with canned Dr. Phil responses, they flocked to me.

"Okay, okay. Dr. Phil, me and my husband are having problems in our relationship. What can we do?"

"You need to take that pig and put him in the barn before it rains."

"I got one. Dr. Phil, why can't I find a decent guy in this city?"

"I think the source of your problem starts with you."

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Don't pee in my margerine and tell me it's butter."

Gwen was extremely bored. My Dr. Philisms were things she'd heard from me for who knows how long. Though I enjoyed the attention (and who doesn't), Gwen was dressed as Wonder Woman.

"Now if y'all excuse me, I need to get to the gettin' while the gettin's good."

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