Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tupac vs. Shakespeare

A friend of mine got that new Gaystation 3. Most of the games were all right, but nothing that would make me want to run out and buy the fucker right now. Except for one.

The Poetry Fighting Tournament was a game where famous poets duel in modern day coffee shops for the bragging rights of Best Ever. You as the player actually don't have to write the poetry, you need to travel around from city to city collecting things that make you a better poet. Sometimes you study under grand masters in studio apartments, or take books out of the library. And you have to drink... a lot.

The end goal is to beat Shakespeare in a coffee shop in Greenwich Village.

I picked Tupac Shakur as my poet, and it took me weeks of game time to work my way past people like Byron, Shelley, and Keats to finally get that showdown. He's impossible to beat on the first try. I almost broke my friend's controller I was so frustrated. He said he ran into the same problems using Seamus Heaney. So I kept at it, and when the guy in the black turtleneck finally bestowed that honor of Best Ever on me, I felt like I'd really accomplished something.

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