Wednesday, April 2, 2008

250-- No Clue

Matty, my personal biographer, stopped by the other day to see what was up.

"You know," he said, "this next blog will be the 250th."

"Wow, that many? Do a lot of people read them?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know. MySpace says I get like 30-35 views per blog, you know what I mean?"

"Wow. And how many posts do you make a week?"

"Like three. So that's like 115 total views, which is cool. The main issue is I don't know who's actually viewing it."

"What about your friends?"

"Will they stand their ground?

"Not the TLC song, are your friends viewing the blog?"

"Oh yeah, but not to the tune of 115 times a week."

"Weird. And these other people don't leave comments?"

"Only when they're bots trying to get me to sign up for surveys for $500 a week. But I don't see them much anymore either."

"So you don't know who's out there reading this thing?"

"No clue."

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