Sunday, April 13, 2008

Norwegian Thanksgiving

I was in the mood for a nontraditional Thanksgiving this year, and Mads, my Norwegian companion, had just the thing. In Norway, Thanksgiving is very different from ours. With no genocide of First Nation people to celebrate, they're forced to focus on the consumerism side to the holiday. This is done by replacing the turkey with fois gras. I can get with that.

We didn't have many people over, just Gwen after she was done with her parents, Sir Ian McKellen, and Dracula from next door. I put on a nice adult contempo mix CD, and served some Cakebread chardonnay, which went well with Mads' seared fois.

I made the observation that last Thanksgiving was spent sans my Norwegian companion, and a single tear welled up in my eye. I had much to be thankful for. Then Sir Ian McKellen farted, and we all laughed.

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