Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bill Vendall or Rutherford Bixby III

Matty the Mainer's friend Heather showed him this video, which he showed me, that had Sanjaya telling everyone he was graduate art student Bill Vendall, and that his Idol stint was all apart of some graduate project.

That reminded me of my buddy, Rutherford Bixby III, descendant of president Rutherford B. Hayes on his maternal grandmother's side. He was a graduate student in cultural anthropology specializing in American pop culture. He's been on Big Brother twice. You may know him better as Chicken George.

It was interesting watching him on the Big Brother All Stars, because there was this understood wink-wink nudge-nudge whenever he talked about how smart the Doctor was, or when he became a member of Chilltown. I really thought he was going to give himself away when he almost put the Doctor up for elimination, but luckily Mike Boogie stepped in and bailed him out with his little power play about his "power that can change the game" thing. That Rudy, dumb like a fox.

Mads and I saw him present a paper based on his doctorate dissertation after his first appearence on the show, and we figured the game was up. But CBS didn't seem to care, and he made the All Stars show. Chicken George and Rutherford Bixby III were such disperate personas they figured it wouldn't matter if they brought him back. They were right.

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