Monday, July 30, 2007

An Indecent Proposal

Looking for something to do on a Sunday, I went through my great-great grandfather Cumberland Billingsworth's old diaries.

March 21, 1864

During President Lincoln's second campaign, he stopped here in Boston to garner support. I met him at an event so I could be honored for my service to the country down in Vicksburg.

"If you're not busy later on, I'd like to meet you at my hotel."

Well, who turns down an invite like that? I know now that I should have. I learned many secrets about our president that night that would best go unsaid, the most stunning which pertains to his gender. Mr. Lincoln is in fact a woman. Not only was he a she, but she was coming on to me. I was offered $5000 for one night with her.

I wanted to accept-- I mean how often does one have the opportunity to make the beast with two backs with such a powerful head of state-- but we were rudely interrupted by a man wielding a derringer. Apparently this man was an actor, a Mr. John Wilkes Booth, and he was a jilted ex-lover. I barely survived with my life, as Mrs. Lincoln calmed him down.

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