Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mayor McCheese: Mayor, the Substitute

Sometimes I need to make some alternative sources of income so I have something to show Uncle Sam when tax time comes. One of the jobs I'll take from time to time is a substitute teacher.

It's an easy gig. I bring tons of MckeyDees for the kids, fill out a bunch of library passes, and put The Jerry Springer Show on the TV. For that, I earn $75. At the same time, I can keep my pager active, and conduct other business.

Ronald called me into his office the other day. It seems my activities as a sub were giving the company a bad name. We aren't supposed to blatantly promote kids eating that much of our food, and my presence in the Windy City's school system contradicts this. Ronald agreed to repay my lost wages by doctoring the books and saying I cleaned toilets part-time. Though I had to accept his decision, I was disappointed. I enjoyed working with America's youth.

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