Sunday, July 15, 2007

Trajan's UFC

I had some friends over the other day to catch the UFC where Liddell was beaten by Rampage. During the first fight, they went to shots of Mandy Moore in the crowd. She didn't look too comfortable, and I noticed a figure making peace signs right to her left. It was my buddy Trajan, the author. I had to call him.

"Oh yeah," he said. "I went to the UFC with her."

"What? She invited you?"

"No, I invited her. I was out in LA and bumped into her. She wanted to talk to me about one of my books, so I told her to come with me. I had to catch the senior citizen's bus to Vegas."

"You took the senior citizen's bus to Vegas?"

"Oh yeah, it's a goldmine for writing material. I met a guy who worked for Howard Hawkes in the 40's. He knew William Faulkner."

The story sounded very dubious. I made some phone calls. In fact Trajan was sitting two seats over from Mandy Moore, and he jumped into the picture, against his wife's wishes. Not only that, but the wife was none too pleased that she had to ride the senior citizen's bus with him.

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