Thursday, April 19, 2007

Give 'em Hell, Bobby

Looking through my mail, I found a letter from my friend Bobby, who is currently president of Zimbabwe.

Hey, how are you? Things aren't going so well here. I'm just trying to do what I think is right for my people... but it's just hard. The UN is upset with me, your president doesn't like me (like that's a big deal, though), and my people want democracy. You know what I say? Let them try to run a poor African nation for a few days. Then they'd see what it's like. Yeah, I bet those UN bastards would start shutting down newspapers too.

Anyway, enough bitching. When the hell are you and Mads, your Norwegian companion, going to make it out here? I've been working night and day (well, not me exactly, but I've been ordering people to work) to clean out these nasty slums so the place will look nice for when you guys come.

All the best,



Loved that Howard Jones CD you recommended!

I grabbed a Nik Kershaw postcard out of my desk drawer, and wrote a reply.

Hey Bobby,

Mads and I are shooting to visit you sometime in the fall.

In the mean time, you give 'em hell Bobby.

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