Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mads: Running with the Bulls

A few years back I was travelling through Spain, and thought it might be cute to try that whole running with the bulls thing. So I went down to Pamplona and got really tight on absinthe, and bought a white shirt and red scarf. I didn't know that I was supposed to wear pants too. I also didn't know that the running of the bulls only happened at a certain time of year. So I went down there that morning, extremely wasted and half-naked, and I ran around the street, looking for the bulls. The kind hearted people of Pamplona pointed me in the direction of the bullfighting arena, so that's where I went. Needless to say, no one was sure what to make of a half naked, drunk, Norwegian man running around and jumping on a bull that a matador was trying to dance with. I kinda dug the whole thing.

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