Monday, April 30, 2007

Mads: The Phat Nickel: Expedition V

We weren't out of the woods yet. The natives were totally stoked that I'd dealt with the Predators (the Iranian was no help), and wanted to make me their Bird King. It sounded like fun, but I missed the city, any city, and we needed to get back. Some ranchers clearing out rain forest to raise cattle for McDonald's were in the area to shoot at some natives and scare them off the property, and we hitched a ride back with them into town, where we took a bus to Rio.

After a night of boozing, women, and coke, two CIA agents confronted us in our hotel room. Apparently there was a mix up, and we were sent to the wrong place. Gary Busey was supposed to go confront the Predators and he ended up scouting for birds. I accepted their apology, and that was that.

At the airport I was seeing Abdul Karim the Iranian off. He was almost on the plane, when he stopped and ran to me.

"Take me with you Mads... there are so many things left for us to do together."

Before I could respond, security tackled him. His Middle Eastern complexion and name coupled with his unusual behavior led to his arrest on terrorism charges. I thought about leaving his sorry ass there, but I had nothing better to do, and a fully tax deductable stay in Rio didn't sound like such a bad idea.

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