Monday, April 30, 2007

The Mercury Girl

I was having lunch with Trajan the other day, when he made an astute observation about our waitress:

"Doesn't she look kind of like the Mercury Girl?"

"Yeah, a little. Man, I love that Mercury Girl."

"Oh, me too. My wife gets annoyed whenever I see her on TV. But her commercials are like the only ones that don't make me think humanity is a lost cause."

"Yeah, I kind of agree. She's not in your face. She doesn't sully sacred American images like Cheverolet does. And she even dresses a little off, showing that she's not perfect, but could use a little improvement, like us all."

"Yeah, she's like a little slice of hope in a 'baa-daa-baa-baa-baa... I'm lovin' it' kind of world."

"Oh, I know, for every Man Law commercial that makes me want to watch soccer, because I know there won't be any commercials, the Mercury Girl gives me the strength to not only get through Fox telling me how great the next Prison Break will be, but also how badly Joe Buck is butchering the play-by-play of the World Series, and how much Fox is wasting the talents of Tim McCarver by having him watch Dave Duncan and the Cardinals dugout watch Duncan's son hit a homerun thirteen times."

"Well, I don't know about all that, but I do know that she reminds me that America is still a great country, no matter how many times it's been bought and sold."

"No doubt, Tra, no doubt.

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