Monday, April 30, 2007

Queen Victoria

I found some more of my great-great grandfather Cumberland Billingsworth's diaries, these from an earlier period.

July 15, 1856

Accompanied father and mother to jolly old England. The boat voyage was long and excrutiating, and there were not enough loose women for me to pass the time with. I could not have felt better when we finally arrived at our destination so I could run out and satisfy some of these carnal urges. My father, though, insisted on us meeting with the Queen and settling into our rooms at the palace. Perhaps I could find myself a room alone for a few minutes...

In looking for that room, I saw an exquisitely beautiful woman. Her name was Victoria too, and she was the Queen's first daughter. Though not even 16, she had extreme poise and intelligence, far beyond the whores I am forced to suffer at the University. I immediately struck up a conversation.

July 16, 1856

God help me for what I have done... I let my urges get the best of me, and she seemed a willing partner. Now my family and I are back on a ship bound now for France, our vacation ruined. My father, understandably upset, has suggested we make the best of things, and avoid any imperial entanglements in the next nation we visit. For her part, the Queen was quite reasonable in her treatment of us. I believe she was more afraid that the story should get out then exacting any kind of punishment on us.

July 17, 1856

What a night spent in Paris. I don't know that I have ever alleviated so much frustration at one time. When I returned to our room this morning, my father smiled and said "Now that you're through with that, I expect that we will be allowed to continue with our vacation." I saluted him and cried "Aye, aye, captain!"

Aye, aye, indeed.

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