Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mayor McCheese: One Night in Bangkok Makes a Hard Man Humble

Between the Moon Knight, the Verona, the Tuna Cutter, and Ronald being a pain in the ass, I needed a bit of a break. To get this break, I took a trip to Bangkok.

First thing I did was score some coke and some hookers. What a mess that was. The coke was Ajax, and the hookers were dudes. When I finally found a place where I could unwind, I was caught off guard and one of the chicks slipped me a Mickey. I woke up two days later in a remote Cambodian jungle, completely naked. It was hard enough to navigate the tigers and land mines under "normal" circumstances, but this was really pushing me to my limits. I could've easily bit the bullet and called Ronald from a military outpost so he could arrange the long trip back to Chicago for me. But I still had my pride.

I barely made it back to Bangkok in time to find my passport and other identification in a trash bin outside the brothel where I was drugged. I guess it's hard to sell a US passport with the Mayor McCheese's information on it. I was lucky, but humbled by the experience.

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