Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My Train Concert

I went out drinking a few nights ago, and man, was I wasted when I got home. So wasted, in fact, that I had to resort to listening to the cool sounds of Mom Rock to keep the bed from spinning.

I fell asleep while Train's "Meet Virginia" was on, and I had a dream that I was at a Train concert. I was surrounded by tons of early to late forty something moms, all rocking out and trying to look like their teenage daughters. I was in heaven.

I flirted with a couple of the hotter ones, and they were feeling it; they were having a wild girls night out, you know.

That's when it happened. One of the women's faces abruptly turned into Bobby Ewing (also known as Patrick Duffy). I tried to pull away, but she/he kept inching closer, calling me "JR". Right as his lips touched mine, I sprang to.

I was in bed with Patrick Stewart, and he'd turned on Dallas on the Soap Network.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Your couch was very uncomfortable… sorry."

"It's okay. Turn up the TV so I can hear it."

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