Tuesday, June 5, 2007

That Smug Bastard

This was it, our big moment for my boy Hubert Humphrey. He was going on Meet the Press with Tim Russert. It didn't quite go the way we planned, though.

"Hello, everyone," Tim Said. "I'm joined right now by former Minnesota senator Hubert Humphrey, who has just thrown his hat into the 2008 presidential race, and his campaign manager, who is sitting next to him here. Welcome to both of you gentlemen. I want to start with... aren't you dead?"

"I was Tim, but the Democratic party needed me, so I was brought back to life. Not a bad deal, you know?"

"I guess not..."

They discussed the current issues facing the US and why Hube thinks he's better qualified to deal with them. Then Russert mentioned the Hamilton-Baker commission. That's when things went downhill.

"The what? The Hamilton, Joe, Frank, and Reynolds?"

"Um... Hube, I think it's Hamilton, Joe Frank, and Reynolds," I said.

"The guys who did "Don't Pull Your Love Out on Me Baby", right?"


"Well, what did I say?"

"You said Hamilton, Joe, Frank, and Reynolds, but there's no pause between the Joe and the Frank. Joe Frank is one person."

"What the hell kind of name is that?"

"Guys, let's get back on track here. The question I was getting at is should the Democrats be hiding behind Baker-Hamilton when they said..."

"You know what the Democrats should be worried about? Pulling those damn misleading Apple computer commercials off the air."

Now I was confused. Where was he going with this?

"Man, I saw that commercial where that smug little bastard that's playing the Apple tells the PC guy that digital cameras only work well with Macs, so I get one. But then I need an external hardrive because I'm downloading so many movies illegally that I'm running out of space, and I go to BestBuy, and the kid there not only tells me 98.5% of the external hardrives don't work with my Mac, but that every PC they had works with every digital camera on the market. Now whenever I see that commercial I want to kick that smug bastard in the nuts."

Russert went to commercial. Needless to say both he and I were shocked by Hube's behavior. I don't disagree at all with his point: I mean if i wasn't more computer savvy I too would be mislead by those Apple commercials, and they probably should be pulled off the air... but you can't say you want to kick that smug bastard in the nuts on Meet the Press, can you?

Before we made it back to Boston, the clip was up on YouTube and had been viewed 4179 times.

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